It will ask to choose a partitioning scheme. Format USB before creating Windows 10 Bootable USB In the Disks tool, make sure to select your USB drive and hit format. You have to use this tool to format the USB key. In Ubuntu, press Super key (Windows key) and search for ‘Disks’. You have to format it so make sure that you don’t have important data on the USB key. Subscribe to Our YouTube Channel for More Linux Videos Step 2: Properly format the USB for creating bootable Windows USB If you want to use WoeUSB graphical tool for creating Windows bootable USB, you can jump to that section directly. It creates a UEFI compatible bootable disk.
In this tutorial, I am going to show you how to create a Windows 10 bootable USB in Linux. If you are uninstalling Linux from dual boot or if you want to reinstall Windows completely or you simply want to have a Windows installation disk ready, you’ll need a bootable Windows 10 USB or DVD. How about the other way round? How about creating a bootable Windows 10 USB in Linux? I have talked a lot about creating bootable USB of Linux in Windows. Brief: This tutorial shows you how to create a bootable Windows 10 USB in Linux with and without a GUI tool called WoeUSB.